Cacao, Self Love and Divine Feminine Energy

Cacao, Self Love and Divine Feminine Energy

Cacao is a powerful plant medicine that can help you connect with your emotions. What does this mean for your healing journey? So much! 

I have been on my own journey of self love, healing, and connecting to my divine feminine energy for many years at this point, and cacao was instrumental in helping me re-connect with the divine wisdom of my heart. 

I had grown numb to my emotions as a defense mechanism from the trauma's I experienced in my childhood and young adult life. I felt completely disconnect from my womb, my divine feminine, my sacred sexuality, and myself.

The first time I drank cacao in ceremony I had a big emotional release and have been in love ever since. Mama Cacao has helped guide me in deeply reconnecting to my feminine energy. This energy that I had lost touch with growing up in a hyper masculine world of rush rush rush, do do do, and over performance and no time for rest, ease, and flow. No surrender, no softness, no peace.

Since then, Mama Cacao has also helped me stay connected to my truth as I blossom and expand into the fullest version of myself. 

If this resonates with you, if you are looking to cultivate a relationship with your feminine energy, with creativity, with softness, with ease. Or are looking to tap into the trauma stored in your body, to tap into your suppressed emotions, or even to allow yourself to be guided by the innate wisdom within you. Then my love, Cacao is the perfect plant medicine and support for your journey. 

With Love ~ Gabrielle 

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